
Previous Cover Pages
- 2003-2nd Half.....Air Monitoring for the Ciba Geigy Superfund Site....Public Health Evaluation of the Proposed Air Monitoring Plan...The Toxic Contents from Both Landfills on the Ciba-Geigy Superfund Site should be Removed
- 2002, November/December/January 2003.....TEACH is now registered as a not-for-profit corporation in the state of New Jersey....Toms River Project, Wagner College and Ocean County College Partnership....Eastern PIRG Organizing Conference Rutgers University, New Jersey....The Toxic Contents from Both Landfills on the Ciba-Geigy Superfund Site should be Removed....Parkway Well Field Samples, Comparison 2001 to 2002
- 2002, August-October.....We Agree with the Governor of New Jersey, the $15 Million should not be used to Purchase the Ciba Site--- Winding River Park
- 2002, July..... Governor's Volunteer Awards 2002---Toms River, NJ Consumer Confidence Report 2001
- 2002, June..... The Toxic Contents from Both Landfills on the Ciba-Geigy Superfund Site should be Removed---We fully support the Township of Manchester Resolution Urging Testing at the Ciba-Geigy Site---Waste Disposal
- 2002, May..... Where Are Our Records?---Possible Elevated Cancer Rate Among Staff at Ocean County Community College in Toms River, NJ---We support the community efford to use the 15 Million from the State of New Jersey which was earmarked to purchase the Ciba Superfund Site for use in purchasing other land that our children can use today!
- 2002, April..... Oyster Creek Spent Fuel Storage---The Importance of a Water Filter
- 2002, March..... Government Officials should remove all toxic drums on the Ciba Geigy Site in Toms River, NJ--Cooperation--Why would the Public want a Superfund Site for Open Space?
- 2002, February..... Air Monitoring during the Ciba Geigy Superfund site cleanup in Dover Township (Toms River) N.J.--Cleanup of the Bomarc Missile Superfund site in Plumsted Township, NJ--Report Errs On Pipeline Breaks
- 2002, January..... Reflections--Case-Control Study of Childhood Cancers in Dover Township (Toms River) N.J. --Township of Dover, (Toms River, N.J.), Historical Water Model-- Wagner College Poster Project
- 2001, December..... Please attend the up coming EPA meetings on "Air Modeling, Air Monitoring, and Contingency Plans" in reference to the cleanup of the Ciba Geigy superfund site in Toms River, NJ --Slightly Elevated Levels of a Nuclear Fission Byproduct Found in Toms River, NJ, Dust Study --Parkway Well Field Samples Wells 22, 24, and 29 Sampled April 11 through July 12, 2001
- 2001, October..... Ciba Geigy Superfund Site once again is being considered for Open Space, --Once Again We Welcome Wagner College Studying Environmental Factors, --EPA Meeting Held on the Consent Decree for the Ciba Geigy Superfund Site
- 2001, September..... Ciba Geigy Superfund Site Consent Decree, Toms River, NJ
- 2001, August..... Ciba Geigy Landfill Permit Renewal Toms River, NJ, --Consumer Confidence Report 2000 What our drinking water report fails to tell you, --Toms River, NJ Consumer Confidence Report 2000
- 2001, July..... Recent Important Issues, Toms River, NJ
- 2001, May/June..... Toms River, New Jersey Ciba Geigy Superfund Site, What is Cell and why all the concern?
- 2001, April..... Government Agencies have failed to protect the citizens of Toms River, New Jersey in the past and the question remains are we being protected today?, What are our government officials trying to hide from the public?, Family Story Section Update
- 2001, March..... A Superfund Site, Radon
- 2001, February..... A Historical Photo Tour of the Reich Farm Soil Remediation --Tentative schedule for the release of documents related to the Dover Township Childhood Cancer Investigation in Toms River, NJ.--A summary of the results for the Parkway Well Field Samples for the months April through December 2000
- 2001, January..... Reflections of the past year --Wagner College students study the environmental issues in Toms River, NJ.
- 2000, December..... The State of New Jersey should have all drums of toxic waste removed from the Ciba Geigy superfund site in Toms River, NJ., Toms River, NJ --Well 44 was removed from service when traces of groundwater contamination were detected in a nearby sentinel well, 5 New cases of cancer, reported for the year 2000
- 2000, November..... Why the concern about Cell 1 on the Ciba Geigy Superfund Site in Toms River, NJ, How important is a home water filter? You decide!, We welcome the freshman class of Wagner College of Staten Island New York who are studying the environmental impacts in Toms River, NJ
- 2000, October..... What government agencies have not mentioned!, Where is the cancer cluster located in Toms River, NJ?
- 2000, September..... Ocean Dumping, Ciba-Geigy Landfill Permit Renewal,
- 2000, August..... Government Agencies should work together to remove all the drums from the Ciba Geigy Superfund site in Toms River, NJ., Landfills on the Ciba Geigy site, Childhood Cancer Cluster update, Trimer Testing, are we missing the whole picture ?
- 2000, July..... Knowing the limits of the Toms River cancer cluster, Cleanup option for the Ciba Geigy Superfund Site here in Toms River, NJ.
- 2000, June..... When will government agencies get the full story about toxic chemicals released by Ciba Geigy? TIC's at Ciba Geigy (Tentatively Identified Compounds)
- 2000, May..... (Tentatively Identified Compounds (TIC's), The cleanup of the Bomarc Missile Site should be open to the public.)
- 2000, April..... (What Does The Cleanup Mean to You?, Ciba Geigy Superfund Site; Clean water, the important issue for generations to come.)
- 2000, March..... (Citizens' Guide to the Ciba-Geigy Public Health Assessment; Well Storage System; Bomarc Missile Cleanup)
- 2000, February..... (Thermal Desorption, Industrial Latex Superfund site; Tour Ciba Geigy site bioremediation and Industrial Latex Superfund Site.)
- 2000, January..... (1999 Review; New items; Wagner College students study the environmental issues in Toms River; Addition of 4 more cases, 1999 figures reach 7; Interim Report on Case-control Study of Childhood Cancers in Dover Township/Toms River, NJ released.)
- 1999, December..... (Highlights of the newly released"Drinking Water Quality Analyses (March 1996 to June 1999)United Water Toms River", What is a Cancer Cluster?, EPA Informal Meeting on the Ciba Cleanup Options)
- 1999, November..... (EPA Informal Meeting on the Ciba Cleanup Options; When will officials acknowledge the Cancer Cluster here in Toms River, NJ?; Radio Station B98.5 Fund Raiser update; The annual United Water Toms River Consumer Confidence Report on the drinking water.)
- 1999, October.....(October 1999: Three more children diagnosed with cancer in Toms River, New Jersey; Update to the Dover Township Landfill, Toms River New Jersey; Reich Farm Plume map.)
- 1999, September.....(Public Health Assessment Report on Reich Farm, Dover Township Municipal Landfill and Silverton Private Well Contamination Investigation has been released; A Toms River coalition group is being formed on the clean-up of the Ciba Geigy Superfund Site; Are we sure of the number of drums buried at the Ciba Geigy Site ?; Ciba Geigy is due to release the Feasability Study on the clean-up of the Ciba Geigy Superfund Site; The "Tooth Fairy Project".)
- 1999, August.....(Is Union Carbide interested in finding the truth?; The following passages are from the "Summary of Retrospective Follow-up Epidemiology Study of Employees at the Toms River Plant"; Has the EPA completed enough research into the clean-up of the Ciba-Geigy Superfund site?; If only the EPA would work more closely with the citizens and citizen groups on the clean-up of the Ciba Geigy Superfund Site.)
- 1999, July.....(Do you want a hazardous waste incinerator in your back yard? What about the dioxins from the exhaust?; Winding River Park.)
- 1999, June.....(Filters first suggested in 1974 by Health officials. Twenty-five years later and finally SOME of the filters needed will be installed on wells; NJ State Officials have not responded to requests for information on ground water contamination. Why?)
- 1999, May.....(Public Tour of the Ciba Geigy Superfund Site April 17, 1999)
- 1999, April.....(Thermal Desorption Unit works; Learn from our children, poem; What is Thermal Desorption?)
- 1999, March.....(Union Carbide paid up to $60,000.00 To State of New Jersey; Ciba Geigy Superfund Site source areas map)
- 1999, February.....(Have you seen the movie "A Civil Action"?; In Toms River, we're trying to find out the whole truth before it's too late.