Do you want a hazardous waste incinerator in your back yard? What about the dioxins from the exhaust?
July 1999
The Federal Environmental Protection Agency is beginning to finalize the cleanup options for the Ciba Geigy Superfund Site here in Toms River, New Jersey.
Among some of the options being considered are:
Thermal Desorption (Incineration)
Off Site Incineration
Off Site Landfilling
Natural Attenuation
Yellow area is some of the contamination plume from Ciba-Geigy Superfund Site based on exceedance of the EPA Standards
Red area bordered by white is approximate boundary of Winding River Park, in Toms River, NJ.
Light green line is approximate eastern boundary of Ciba Geigy site.
Brown area is waste disposal, Pink area is production activities, Blue area inside Ciba site is wastewater treatment operations.
If company officials had disposed of the hazardous waste material properly years ago, Toms River would not have the ground water contamination plume that is currently on and offsite of the Ciba Geigy property.
We the citizens of Toms River have been living with this toxic waste in our back yards for some forty plus years now.
The toxic waste and plumes have hurt our community image for years and if this waste is not disposed of properly, we are afraid this monster will continue to cause a hazardous toxic plume into the future.
Is the health and safety of the public (the children) second to the proper disposal of this toxic waste?
The following is a passage from the EPA site regarding the Ciba-Geigy Superfund site.
"The groundwater plume is migrating to the Toms River and wetlands along the eastern boundary of the site.
The groundwater plume seeps to the surface in limited areas of Winding River Park, an outdoor recreational park located in wetlands adjacent to the Toms River.
EPA determined that the most immediate threat to human health and the environment was through ingestion of contaminated groundwater and required the closure of all affected residential water supply wells."

One has to wonder why swimming and canoeing has long disappeared in Winding River Park? There are no signs warning against a possible health threat, just "no swimming" signs like the one above, some children still play in this river water.

Walking along the Winding River Park pathways and off the beaten path one can see the pollution monitor well stand pipes and covers. Is this what our parks are supposed to look like?
Let's reclaim our parks and protect our children.
Let the EPA know how you feel about the cleanup of the Ciba-Geigy Superfund Site, attend the August 5th meeting and let your voice be heard!
The next EPA Meeting date is Thursday, August 5, 1999 at 7:00PM, at the Holiday Inn, Rt 37, Toms River, NJ. More information under "How to Help".
The previous cover page can be found under "RESOURCES", Previous Month's Cover Pages.