Order amid Chaos
Filters first suggested in 1974
by Health officials.
Twenty-five years later and finally
SOME of the filters needed
will be installed on wells.

June 1999

Why has it taken twenty five years to install SOME of the filters needed to protect the Toms River wells from ground water contamination?

T.E.A.C.H. would like to see filters installed on all wells in the Parkway Well field and any other well having the potential of being affected by ground water contamination.

In letters dating from 1974, concern and requests were made to help protect the Toms River wells, from contamination of ground water from the Reich Farm.

Reich Farm Contamination Plume
Yellow area is the Reich Farm contamination plume

One has to ask why public officials failed to protect us from this ground water contamination? How long has the ground water pollution been drawn into the Toms River wells, and how has this affected the citizens and children of Toms River?

On August 8, 1974 a letter was written to the manager of the Toms River Water Company by the Chief of the Bureau of Potable Water, Trenton, NJ. In it he states that the investigation into the groundwater contamination is continuing. Also that because of the relative shallowness of the wells in the area of Reich farm these would continue to be monitored. He also, "strongly recommended that the Toms River Water Company will request its engineering personnel to design corrective treatment for each of these wells so that, in the event of emergency, the treatment facilities can be installed much quicker…"

A September 9, 1974 letter from the Public Health Coordinator to the Chief of the Bureau of Potable Water, Trenton, relates, " It is requested and strongly urged by the Dover Township Board of Health that action be implemented by your Bureau to require the installation of activated carbon filters on the Toms River wells obtaining their water from the Cohansey. The Board of Health's concern rests specifically in those wells located in the Dugan lane field and well #20 located off of Whitesville Road and Route 571." "Your prompt attention herein will be greatly appreciated."

In his response, the Chief replied, " We believe that such action would be premature at this time and, if implemented, would impose an unwarranted economic burden upon the Company."

What of the economic, physical, emotional, and psychological burdens on the families who drank the water and had a child contract cancer?

Twenty-five years after those letters were written and over one hundred children were diagnosed with cancer, SOME of the filters are finally being installed. Is this how our public officials look out for the health of our community?

  • To read a copy of these letters please look under "Resources", Letters (Correspondence).

    NJ State Officials have not responded to requests for information on ground water contamination. Why?

    Read our letters to the Attorney General State of New Jersey Office, which hasn't responded in over six months to our requests for information.
  • To read a copy of these letters please look under "Resources", Letters (Correspondence).

  • Please read the editorial from the Asbury Park Press of May 23,1999 Click here or look under "Resources",News Article Archive, May 23, 1999.

  • The next EPA Meeting date is Thursday, June 17, 1999 at 7:00PM, at the Holiday Inn, Rt 37, Toms River, NJ. More information under "How to Help".

  • The previous cover page can be found under "RESOURCES", Previous Month's Cover Pages.