
September 2001
This cover page currently will be updated every month
Ciba Geigy Superfund Site Consent Decree Toms River, NJ
As we enter the next phase toward the beginning of the planned Federal EPA Superfund Site partial cleanup of the Ciba Geigy Superfund Site here in Toms River, New Jersey, one needs to reflect on the past and the unanswered questions. Looking back at the history of the site,
one has to wonder how much of a cleanup is really going to take place? First 31,000 drums of hazardous waste will be removed from the drum disposal area. The drum disposal area began receiving waste in the early 1970's about the time of the creation of the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) when cliff dumping was no longer an acceptable form of disposal. So one of many questions remain, what about the hazardous waste
disposal areas from the early 1950's to the 1970's?
There are approximately 38,000 drums of hazardous waste in landfill Cell 1 on the Ciba Geigy Superfund site that are not part of this cleanup plan. When will these drums of toxic waste be addressed?
When will our government agencies provide answers to citizens questions like, "where is the location in the public Winding River Park in Toms River that the groundwater contamination plume from Ciba Geigy site comes to the surface in that park?"
This fact has been stated in various documents including references in the Pulic Health Assessment, which stated "Although sediments and surface water of the marshland in Winding River Park exhibited site-related contamination, this pathway was not considered by the ATSDR to be of public health significance because exposures to marsh air, sediments, and water would tend to be infrequent and short duration."
Having the consent decree issued is a first step to having some of this toxic hazardous waste disposed of properly.
The September EPA "Information Meeting" on the Ciba Geigy Superfund Site has been re-scheduled for October 3, 2001 at 7:00pm at the Quality Inn, 815 Rt 37 West, opposite the Mule Road jughandle in Toms River, NJ
The previous cover page can be found under "RESOURCES", Previous Month's Cover Pages.