May 2000
Earth Day 2000, please take a moment to stop and think about our environment, clean water, clean air. Take time out to help make a difference to the generations to come. Support clean oceans and beaches. Get involved in your community and make that difference.
Tentatively Identified Compounds (TIC's)
Trimer in Reich Farm Groundwater Samples 1997

Red dots are location where trimer was found Blue dots are sample points where trimer was not found Green color is Reich Farm Plume
Groundwater sampling for TIC's (Tentatively Identified compounds)
In 1997 groundwater samples were taken to determine the extent of the Reich Farm plume. In sampling the groundwater several hundred TIC's (Tentatively Identified Compounds) were found, some known and many unidentified to date. Trimer is one of those many TIC's found to date. Extensive studies are being prepared
to determine if this trimer is a human carcinogen.
The above map is a composite of the TIC map from the NJ Department of Environmental Protection and one of the projected Reich Farm plume maps, to show the relationship of the two maps.
In 1971 a waste hauler deposited approximately 5000 drums of toxic waste on a farm, called Reich Farm in Toms River, NJ.
Some of the contents of these drums were dumped and/or buried on this farm. This material naturally filtered through the sandy soil, reaching the water table. All drums were removed. This plume has impacted our drinking water wells and today we still use air strippers and carbon filters on
selected wells. From the above map you can see trimer has been found in samples from the Parkway well field in drinking wells 26 and 28.
The cleanup of the Bomarc Missile Site should be open to the public.
After the Feb. 2 public meeting in Burlington County, a lot of controversy arose in regards to the notification to towns (Mayor and Council) that contaminated material from the 1960 Bomarc Missile Site was going to be transported through their communities on the way to Utah. After the Air Force and its contractors failed to properly
notify the towns involved, they now are having closed door meetings with the Mayors of these towns. Some Mayors have said that these meetings should be open to the public.
Quoting a news article from April 8th, "The Department of Defense has come under criticism in Manchester and Jackson for what local officials see as a lack of public involvement in determining
how and if the contaminated soil should be removed from the now-decommissioned BOMARC missile shelter in Plumsted and trucked to a railway loading site at Heritage Minerals, Route 70, Manchester."
TEACH supports the Mayors request for public involvement in this cleanup project. E-mail from this web site goes un-answered by the individuals delegated by the Air Force as
being the contact person for these meetings.
For more information on the cleanup of the Bomarc Missile site, click here to see the March cover page.
Note: There is no Citizens Action Committee on the Childhood Cancer Cluster Meeting scheduled for May.
The previous cover page can be found under "RESOURCES", Previous Month's Cover Pages.