February 2001
This cover page is updated monthly
A Historical Photo Tour of the Reich Farm Soil Remediation

Photo's provided by courtesy of Union Carbide.

Please take the complete photo tour of the "Reich Farm Soils Remediation"
Click here for photo tour of the "Reich Farm Soils Remediation"
Below is a copy of the tentative schedule for the release of documents related to the Dover Township Childhood Cancer Investigation in Toms River, NJ.
Tentative Schedule - 2001 Document Releases Dover Township Childhood Cancer Investigation
Month |
Document to be released |
March |
1) Reich Farm Public Health Assessment (Final) 2) Dover Township Municipal Landfill Public Health Assessment (Final) 3) Ciba Geigy Corporation Public Health Assessment (Final) 4) Drinking WaterQuality Analyses Public Health Consultation (Final) 5. Progress Report III |
May |
1) Exposure Investigation Public Health Consultation 2) Monitoring Well Analyses Public Health Consultation |
July |
EOHSI Dust Deosition Study Report |
September |
1) ATSDR Historic Water-Distribution Modeling Report 2) EOHSI Air Modeling Report |
October |
ATSDR Toxicological Consultation on NJDEP TIC Report |
December |
Case-control Epidemiologic Study Report (Public Comment Draft) |
A summary of the results for the Parkway Well Field Samples for the months April through December 2000
Point of Entry
Sampled monthly April through December 2000
No detections of styrene-acrylonitrile (SAN) trimer or trichloroethylene
Usual presence of chemical by-products of chlorine disinfection (including
chloroform, bromodichloromethane, dibromochloromethane, and bromoform) at less than 1 microgram per liter (µg/l)
Occasional detection of methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE) at less than 1 µg/l
Wells 24 and 44
Sampled monthly April 2000 through December 2000 (except well 44 no sampled November and December 2000)
No detections of SAN trimer or trichloroethylene
Chloroform, MTBE and methylene chloride occasionally detected at less than 1 µg/l
Wells 22 and 29
Untreated and treated water monitored quarterly (April, July and October 2000)
No detections of SAN trimer or trichloroethylene
Chloroform and MTBE continue to be present at low levels in untreated well 22 water at less than 1 µg/l
No detections of SAN trimer in treated water from wells 22 or 29; chloroform and MTBE detected in treated water at less than 1 µg/l
Wells 26 and 28
Untreated and treated water monitored quarterly (April, July and October 2000)
SAN trimer, trichloroethylene and other chemicals detected in untreated water from well 26, at levels consistent with recent past
SAN trimer not detected in untreated water from well 28; trichloroethylene and other chemicals detected at levels consistent with recent past
No SAN trimer or trichloroethylene found in treated water in April and October 2000; SAN trimer and trichloroethylene reported to be found in treated water in July 2000, but NJDEP determined that samples were mistakenly taken before
treatment; chloroform and MTBE detected in treated water at less than or equal to 1 µg/l
The previous cover page can be found under "RESOURCES", Previous Month's Cover Pages.