January 2000
Note: The Citizen Action Committee on Childhood Cancer Cluster meeting schedule for January 31, 2000 at 6:00 pm is cancelled, and is re-schedule for February 28, 2000 at 6:00 pm.
A lot of events have taken place in 1999. There were over ten thousand visitors to this web site in less than 11 months, which is a great response from the public.
But we must look towards the future. First, we would hope the State of New Jersey would
complete the remaining health assessments in a professional and timely manner. It would be a waste of taxpayers money if
these results were inconclusive in the final reports. Second, we look forward to a responsible cleanup of the source areas
on the Ciba Geigy Superfund site.
Some new things placed on this web site for the new year:
Two new family stories. These stories are written by the families and are very heart wrenching and worth reading.
Area Wide Pollution News Article Archive, a second news article archive about pollution in the area outside of Toms River. For we feel that what is happening in Toms River is not
unique and what is happening here has happened or is happening elsewhere. Pollution and clean drinking water will continue to be a major issue for the future.
Students study the environmental issues in Toms River.

Freshman students from Wagner College, Staten Island, along with Dr. Donald Stearns and Dr. Jonathan Peters for the past several months
have been studying the environmental issues here in Toms River, NJ. The class attended both public and private meetings with citizens and public officials.
As part of the class, students created poster displays of the material they had studied. The posters were recently on display at Wagner College.
The TEACH organization gave an overview presentation to the college class on two different occasions. We would like to make our presentation available to
other High Schools, Colleges, and Universities on a limited basis in the New Jersey area. Please contact this web site for details.
Click here to learn more about the Wagner College program.
Addition of 4 more cases, 1999 figures reach 7.
As 1999 drew a close, we learned four more children were diagnosed with cancer in Dover Township/Toms River, NJ. This brought the total to 7 children to date, between the ages of 0-19 years of age who were diagnosed with cancer in 1999.
There is still 6 months of reporting left for 1999 to be completed. In 1998 there were 7 cases of children diagnosed with cancer. A total of 110 children have been diagnosed with cancer.
To be considered part of the cancer cluster the child must be living in Dover Township/Toms River, NJ when diagnosed with cancer, must be
between the ages of 0-19 years of age.
Interim Report on Case-control Study of Childhood Cancers in Dover Township/Toms River, NJ released.
The New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services has released its Interim Report on Case-control Study of Childhood Cancers in Dover Township/Toms River, NJ.
There were several news articles released in the newspapers on this study, some of which are posted on this site under "resources/news article archive". The purpose of the study
is to identify possible risk factors that might explain why there has been an increased rate of certain childhood cancers in Dover Township. Remember, this is a interim report and
nothing at this point should be concluded. The final report will be made available to the public in the later part of 2000.
For a copy of the report please call 732-505-4188 or 609--633-2043.
Link to a copy of the report on the NJDHSS website.
The next public meeting on the Citizen Action Committee on Childhood Cancer Cluster is February 28, 2000 at 6:00 pm..
For further details look under "Meeting/Events"
The previous cover page can be found under "RESOURCES", Previous Month's Cover Pages.