December 2000
T.E.A.C.H. would like to wish everyone a safe and happy holidays.
The State of New Jersey should have all drums of toxic waste removed from the Ciba Geigy superfund site in Toms River, NJ.
Dating back to 1992 an Administrative Consent Order was issued which effectively settled several issues regarding practices considered in violation of State regulations in reference to the Ciba Geigy Site in Toms River, New Jersey.
As part of the Administrative Consent Order, "Ciba Geigy commits to pay CERCLA and RCRA remediation costs for damages resulting from operations of Cells 1 & 2, in an amount not less than $50 million (trust) commencing on the date of the ACO. $5.5 million is to be paid in civil damages resulting from the operation of Cell 1.
Ciba-Geigy Corp. shall also pay $1.5 million for NJDEPE oversight costs and expenses incurred up until the date of the ACO. Also $100,000 shall be paid to the Division of Criminal Justice for expenses associated with the ACO which would have been incurred up until the date of the ACO."
As echoed by some officials, the State of New Jersey received large sums of money in reference to Cells 1 & 2 on the Ciba site. For this reason the State should pursue the removal of 38,000 drums of toxic waste in Cell 1 and make the cleanup of the Ciba Geigy Site meaningful.
Toms River, NJ --Well 44 was removed from service when traces of groundwater contamination were detected in a nearby sentinel well.
After small traces of trichloroethylene, trichloroethane, and tetrachloroethylene were found in a groundwater (sentinel) monitoring well located north of Parkway well field, well #44, the Union Carbide Company requested that United Water Company to remove well 44 from service. No contaminates were found in Well 44 according to Union Carbide.
Removing Well 44 from service prevents drawing the contaminates or plume into that well.

5 New cases of cancer, reported for the year 2000
The N.J. state Department of Health and Senior Services confirmed five new cases of childhood cancer have been diagnosed in Dover Township, Toms River this year.
The previous cover page can be found under "RESOURCES", Previous Month's Cover Pages.
The December public meeting on the Citizen Action Committee on Childhood Cancer Cluster has been cancelled.
Next years meeting dates will be posted on this web site when they become available.