
Holly Warnet
The Apprehension
Holly was in remission by Christmas of 1994, but we were also walking on eggshells not knowing if the next blood test was going to show that she had relapsed or not. The doctors told us that if she were going to relapse it would most probably be in the first year. I kept telling everyone that if Holly relapsed that I was going to put her in the car with me and wrap us around the biggest tree that I could find going as fast as I could. Well, she didn't relapse in the first year and that was a relief.
The hospital visits and blood tests went from once a month to once every three months. We got through until July when Holly started to have bad pains in her abdomen. We thought that she had appendicitis. The doctors sent us to the hospital for tests again; it turned out that she was almost 4 months pregnant. The first thing that I did was make an appointment with the Children's Hospital to find out if it was safe for her to carry a baby and have a normal child.
We were afraid that the chemo would affect the baby. The doctors assured us that it was safe for her to carry full term and that the chemo that she had wouldn't affect the baby. They were amazed that she was pregnant at all; she was supposed to be sterile. They were thrilled that she was pregnant, but they wanted to see her once a month again, and they wanted to let the obstetrician know what to watch out for.
Family tensions were very high due to the stress of everything going on. My husband and I separated in September. The children's grades were suffering in school and the stress was affecting them.