
Holly Warnet
Effects on the family
My stepson, Christopher had just turned 18 and was enlisted in the Army. He was scheduled to leave for training at the beginning of August. Holly was diagnosed at the end of July.
What should have been a big deal for him, was downsized and he was left in the shadows because of everything that was happening with Holly. We had planned a big going away party for him, but it was cancelled. We had to put him on the plane in between going from one hospital and doctor to the other.
He went to basic training feeling scared, lonely, and worried. When he arrived in Missouri he called us as soon as he could get to a phone and the first thing he said is "How is Holly? I don't want to be here, I want to come home." The first couple of weeks were hard on him because he was worried about what was going on here.
Holly's other two brothers really didn't know what to make of everything. Neither one of them said much. But both children were affected in their own ways and it was very hard on them.
During Holly's treatments I was starting to have pains in my abdomen. I went to the doctor in November and was told that I had to have surgery. I told the doctors that I had to wait until Holly's treatments were finished. The doctors reluctantly put off my operation until the beginning of Feb.
At Christmas time, Holly was finally in remission and had her last chemo treatment. Christmas was hard that year because of the expenses that we had accrued. We got through it okay though. Chris came home for the week and it was almost normal. Remission was a nice Christmas present for us all.