
Jessica Cardini
In the Beginning
In the beginning she would complain of being tired or have a stomachache. I would tell her to lie down and rest and after a while she would feel better. I had kept her home from school several days that week thinking she just needed bed rest and plenty of fluids. That Friday morning, thinking she was doing better, I drove Jessica and my son John to school. As I returned home after dropping them off, the phone was ringing. The school nurse called, I had to get Jessica. I could not understand how in just ten minutes her face and even her hair could look so pale. I was scared yet all I could think was that she might be anemic. I already had a well baby appointment for our 3-month-old, so I called the doctor and asked if I could bring Jessica in for a check up. The doctor examined her and I expressed my concern that she may be anemic. He did a finger stick. The results were not what I expected. Jessica was anemic; her hemoglobin was a 4, 10 to 14 being normal. She was anemic to the extreme and at risk for heart failure. We needed to verify the results so with baby in hand I rushed her across the street to the hospital for blood work. My doctor instructed me to go home and he would call within 20 minutes with the results. When he called instead of telling me the results of the test, he asked if I could get Jessica to Monmouth Medical Center immediately.