
Jessica Cardini
The Diagnosis
Our pediatrician told me that he already called ahead. A pediatric oncologist would be waiting for us. I immediately paged my husband at work and asked him to meet us there. A team of doctors came and examined her, occasionally asking questions. All the while I thought she couldn't have leukemia, she didn't have any bruises, but what else would cause such severe anemia? When the doctors asked our permission to perform a bone marrow aspiration my worst fears were being realized. The diagnosis came at around 11 o'clock that evening. Our daughter had A.L.L. a form of childhood leukemia. My husband John and I were devastated, heartbroken and scared. I did not want to leave Jessica, she needed me and I needed her. John convinced me to go home that evening only because I was still nursing our 3-month-old daughter and our boys needed their mom.