
The concern and response to pollution in Toms River, NJ has historically been less than adequate.
These Public Health Assessments (Public Comment Release) are associated with the following sites located in Toms River, NJ. As more become available they will be posted here.
- Public Health Assessment, Ciba-Geigy Corporation, (Dover Township) Toms River, New Jersey
- Citizens' Guide to the Ciba-Geigy Public Health Assessment (Overview of report)
- Summary
- Background
- Discussion
- Conclusions
- Recommendations
- Public Health Action Plan
- Table 1: Chronology of selected activities (Time Line)
- Table 2: Comparison Values (CVs) and cleanup standards for groundwater pollutants to be monitored under the Ciba Geigy site Record of Decision (ROD)
- Table 3 & 3a: Results of chemical analyses of selected on-site groundwater monitoring wells at the Ciba-Geigy Corporation site, 1998
- Table 4: Concentrations of contaminants in untreated, blended groundwater extrated from Ciba-Geigy site extraction well
- Table 5: Results of metal and selected organic chemical analysis in soil samples collected by the New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services, 1966.
- Table 6 & 6a: Results of metal and selected organic chemical analysis in soil samples collected by the New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services, 1966
- Table 7: Results of metal and selected organic chemical analysis in private residential well samples collected by the NJDHSS, 1996, near the Ciba-Geigy Corporation site.
Note: The following figures are not part of the original Health Assessment. They have been substituted (they are similar or enhanced) because they show more detail.
- Figure 1, Ciba Geigy site, Toms River, NJ
- Figure 2, Demographic Statistics within one mile of the Ciba Geigy Corp. Site
- Figure 3, Potential Source Area's
- Figure 4, Ciba Geigy; Groundwater Extraction and Recharge Area's
- Figure 5, Groudwater Stratigraphy near Ciba Geigy, Toms River.
- Figure 6, Groundwater Contamination Plumes, Ciba Geigy Corporation Site
- Figure 7, Location of Ciba Geigy outfall pipeline, with surface soil and sediment sampling locations of the ATSDR/NJDHSS exposure investigation.
- Figure 8, General locations of Private Wells Associated with the Ciba Geigy Corp. site, samples during the ATSDR/NJDHSS Exposure Investigation. (see Table 7)