
Public Health Assessment Ciba-Geigy Corporation (Dover Township) Toms River, New Jersey
Cease/Reduce Exposure Recommendations
The ATSDR and the NJDHSS support continuing efforts by the USEPA and Ciba Specialty Chemicals to contain and remove contaminants in the Upper Sand Aquifer associated with the Ciba Geigy Corporation site. In addition, the ATSDR and the NJDHSS support restrictions on the use and construction of private wells in areas known to be affected by CGC site-related contamination.
The ATSDR and the NJDHSS also support efforts to remediate on-site source areas to reduce the threat of further contamination of groundwater and prevent future exposure, The ATSDR should evaluate the Proposed Remedial Action Plan (PRAP) and Record of Decision for on-site source areas of the CGC site for potential public health implications.
Because certain metals and low levels of VOCs (not related to the CCIC site) were detected in some of the private wells sampled during the former outfall pipeline monitoring program, owners of these wells should be contacted to ascertain whether wells are currently active. If so, the owner should be offered the opportunity to test the well for current water quality.
Public Health Recommendation
Based upon review of completed human exposure pathways at the CGC site, and in conjunction with the concerns of the community regarding the incidence of childhood cancer, consideration of CGC site-related exposure pathways in the on-going epidemiologic investigation by the NJDHSS and the ATSDR is warranted. Estimates of exposure to water through this pathway should include the use of private wells and
community water supply wells. To account for the complex dynamics of a community water system, water system models should be employed to trace the flow of water from the Holly Street well field to points in the distribution system.