
September 18, 1974
P.O. BOX 2889,Trenton, New Jersey
Mr. Wilford
Potential Contamination of Toms River Water Co. Wells
On the above date, Mr. Edward Hughmanic, Manager, Toms River Water Company and Mr. Robert Johnstone, Reginal Engineer of the parent company, General Waterworks Company, visited this office by invitation, and conferred with Mr. Wiseman and myself, relating to proposals by the Company, to prepare designs for corrective water treatment facilities for the wells in the Dugan Lane wll field (existing wells Nos. 22.24 and 26 and the proposed wells Nos. 28 and 29) and well #20 located near Whitesville Road at Route 571, should it be necessary to install such facilities at short notice in the event of demonstrated contamination with the organic chemicals which have polluted the ground water of the Cohansey formation in the Pleasant Plains section of Dover Township.
Mr. Johnstone stated that the Company has already developed rough estimates of capacities and prices for granulated carbon filters. The problem is that there is no guarantee that such filters would unequivocally solve the problem as it is known that they will continue to remove taste and odor even after they become exhausted with reference to the removal of significant organics. As an alternative to the utilization of granular activated carbon, they are also looking into the possibility of oxidation with chlorine dioxide or potassium permanganate, or a combination of one of these processes with granulated activated carbon filtration. Another possibility being considered is the abandonment of well #20. Should significant contamination of it develop, with greater utilization of the Parkway well field.
Thee are problems in conducting necessary pilot plant work because there is currently no known contamination of the Dugan Lane wells or Well #20, and the Company does not possess the laboratory facilities for the specialized analyses needed.
It was also agreed that regular sampling of the existing wells in the Dugan Lane well field, and Well #20, should be sampled on a regular basis to determine if contamination develops, and that the water from the new wells, Nos. 28 and 29 should be subjected to specific tests for organic content prior to their approval and thereafter be included in the regular special sampling program.
Following a general discussion of the subject the following actions were taken:
1. Toms River Water Company will continue the immediate extension of
its system into the Pleasant Plains area as an urgent requirement and will submit an application, together with plans, specifications, etc. for formal approval of the extensions, by October 1, 1974.
2.With reference to the efficacy of granular activated removal of organics, Mr. Johnstone and Mr. Hughmanic were to confer with Mr. Wendell Inhoffer, Passaic Valley Water Company, who is conducting considerable research on the subject.
3. Mr. Wiseman will assist, through the cooperation of the Health Officer of Ocean County Health Department
necessary volumes of water from a well known to be
specific organics for pilot plant studies.
4. Toms River Water Company will establish the necessary
as soon as a supply of contaminated water has been o
examine the efficacy of granular activated carbon filtration
when organic breakthrough occurs, and will also investigate the efficacy of chlorine dioxide or potassium permanganate alone or in conjunction with, granular activated carbon.
5. The names and addresses of three commercial laboratories that will be capable of conducting appropriate tests were provided
and Mr. Hughmanic. These are:
a) Jersey Testing Laboratory, 154, Wright Street, Ne
b) New York Testing Laboratories, 81 Urban Ave., We
c) Delare Associates,2300 Locust Ave.. Philadelphia, PA
6.Mr. Wiseman will immediately institute a program for
sampling of water, from the Dugan lane wells Nos. 22
Well #20 at Whitesville Road, by the infra-red absorption for ttal organics.
New wells Nos. 28 and 29 will be similar tests prior to their formal approval by this
will subsequently be included in the monthly sampling
monthly program will contine for six months and
prove satisfactory, will thereafter be modified to a
Gram. Mr. Wiseman will continue the negotiations
Environmental Protection Agency for the periodic
from all of these wells (or from a representative
the mass-spectrophotometer for the determination of
In relation to the adoption of a realistic time schedule of corrective treatment, should such become necessary, that it would take 30 to 45 weeks for the installation of carbon filters because of the current Iong lead time for steel filter shells. The installation of equipment for rine dioxide or potassium permangunate could, however, be
within two to times weeks if determined to be necessary in
this type of treatment is demonstrated by pilot plant
effective. There is no immidiate urgency in this matter
pany can maintain adequate service during the period between
and Memorial Day without need of using the wells in the
field. Furthermore, a new well field is currently being
in another section of the Township, and it is hoped to have this in service by the summer of 1975