
September 12, 1974
Mr. Charles Kauffman Co-ordinator,
Ocean County Health Department
Toms River, N.J. 08753
Re: Toms River Water Company
Dear Mr. Kauffman
Receipt is acknowledged of your letter dated September 9, 1974 in which you convey the message from the Dover Township Board of Health urging that this Bureau will require the immediate installation of activated carbon granular filters to treat the water from the Cohonsey wells of the Toms River Water Company prior to its distribution for potable purposes.
The wells in question are existing wells Nos. 22, 24 and 26 and proposed wells Nos. 28 and 29 in the Dugan Lane well field, and Well #20 located near Whitesvllle Road at Route 571.
We believe that such action would be premature at this time and, if implemented, would impose an unwarranted economic burden upon the Company. On the basis of samples taken by representatives of this Bureau there is currently no evidence that any of the existing wells in contaminated.
It is agreed, however that the situation bears close watching. Supplementary to the occasional sampling which has hitherto been conducted, it would be a wise procedure to establish a regular sampling program whereby water from well #20 and one of the wells in the Dugan Lane well field can be monitored by the infra-red absorption method for the determination or total organics so that any trend towards significant contamination of these wells be immediately apparent. Accordingly, Mr. Wiseman,
Senior Environmental Engineer for the area, has been requested to establish such a program.
You will recall that by letter dated August 8, 1974 (a copy of which was sent to yourself), it was strongly recommended to the Toms River Water Company that its engineering personnel be requested to design corrective treatment for each of the potentially effected wells so that, in the event of such need, the treatment facilities can be installed much quicker than would be the case if bench-tests, pilot plant work and the design phase had to start from scratch. The Company advised me, in a letter dated August 12, 1974, that the matter had been referred to their Regional Engineer and that we would be informed of further developments but, to date, we have no further information on progress.
We have, however, arranged a meeting with Mr. Edward Hughmnic of the Toms River Water Company and Mr. Robert Johnstore, Regional Engineer of the General Waterworks Company (the parent company) on Monday, September 15, 1974, at 10 A.M. At this time we shall review the work already done by the company in response to our letter of August 8 and endeavor to set up a schedule whereby corrective treatment can be provided at short notice, should such become necessary. You are cordially invited to attend this meeting if you can fit it in with your schedule.
Very truly yours,
John Wilford, P.E.
Chief, Bureau of Potable Water