
September 9, 1974
Mr John Wilford, P.E., Chief
Bureau of Potable Water
Division of Water Resources
Trenton N.J. 08625
Dear Mr Wilford:
It is requested and strongly urged by the Dover Township Board of Health that at action be implemented by your Bureau to require the
Installation of activated carbon filters on the Tom River wells obtaining their water from the Cohansey. The Board of Health concern rests specifically in those wells located in the Dugan Lane field and Well 20 located off of Whitesville Road and Route 571.
It has also come to our attention that approval of additional wells either have been granted or are about to be granted permission, the supply source of which is the Cohansey. It is the concern of the
Board that the contamination now existing in the immediate and nearby areas will be drawn to those wells since they will be, if not the only source of influence, by far the strongest.
A list of chemicals removed from the area by Union Carbide is enclosed. Although not listed in detail I have found that the chemicals might range in toxicity from "0" to "5". "5" being 7 drops to 1 teaspoon in quantity is a fatal dose for acute poisoning. (This would apply to some forms of methol compounds)
Accumulative affects at the present time have not been researched but we know that benzene derivatives may, and chlorinated hydrocarbons will, accumulate in the fatty tissues of the body and also in the liver.
Your prompt attention herein will be greatly appreciated.
Sincerely yours
ck/se Charles Kauffman
Encl. Public Health Coordinator
cc Dover Township Board of Health