
Public Meeting U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Ciba-Geigy Site Toms River, New Jersey
Drum Disposal Area
Iron Filings Area
Approximately 1.5 acres
In operation from 1961 to 1977
Used for disposal of iron oxide sludge from dye manufacturing operations
Contamination in the unsaturated zone,chemicals of concern (COCs) include chlorobenzene, naphthalene and 1,2,dichlorobenzene (greater than 100 ppm)
Drum Disposal Area
Non-intact Drum Area
Approximately 2 acre
In operation from 1961 to 1971
Used for disposal of crushed drums, soil/waste mixtures, filtercake, sludges and debris
Contamination in the unsaturated and saturated zone; COCs include chlorobenzene (greater than
1000 ppm); naphthalene (greater than l000 ppm)
Drum Disposal Area
Stack Drum Area
Area encompasses about 1 acre
In operation from 1972 to 1977
Used for disposal of drummed wastes and debris approximately 35,000 drums)
- Drums disposed of in intact condition and stacked in cells
Contamination in the unsaturated and saturated zones; COCs include naphthalene,
2-chlorotoluene and 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene (less than 100 ppm)
Drum Disposal Area
Test Pit Program
Objective was to characterize the contamination within the DDA and determine
the extent of the waste deposits
Field work took place in early 1992 and consisted of 11 test pit excavations:
- 6 from the Stacked Drum Area
- 3 from the Non-Intact Drum Area
- 2 from the Iron Filings Area
Stacked Drum Area
Test Pit Program Results
315 drums were removed from the Stacked Drum Area. The majority of the drums removed were intact and in good condition.
All drums were transported off-site to a treatment and disposal facility
Stacked Drum Area
Information on Drum Contents
Historical Plant Records
- Documentation exists for each major waste stream generated beginning in the 1970's
Waste description and quantity of material
Any analytical testing results
In-house tracking of waste from inception to disposal
Test Pit Program
- All drums opened and visually inspected
- 67 representative samples analyzed for CLP organics and inorganics
Stacked Drum Area - Breakdown of Drum Contents
% Total Drums |
% Total Drums |
Type of Waste |
(Plant Records) |
(Test Pits) |
Resin Filter cake (no Solvent) |
27% |
35% |
Resin filter cake (With solvent) |
27% |
15% |
Dye residue (no solvent) |
3% |
3% |
Dye residue (with solvent |
25% |
10% |
AQ soot/filter bags |
3% |
1% |
Misc. solid resin |
5% |
10% |
Brick, concrete, debris |
2% |
3% |
Lab Waste |
3% |
3% |
Misc. (no solvent) |
2% |
6% |
Misc. (with solvent) |
3% |
11% |