
Public Meeting
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Ciba-Geigy Site Toms River, New Jersey
The following was information supplied at the Februray 1999 Meeting on the Ciba-Geigy Superfund Site. Some of the information is scanned and highlighted for easier viewing on the web.
The full reports are available to the public at the Ocean County Library and through the Ocean County Planning Department, in Toms River, NJ.
Regulatory Process
FS - Feasibility Study (FS)
-Evaluation of remedial alternatives to address source areas
PRAP - Proposed Remedial Action Plan (PRAP)
-Describes preferred remedy for source areas
ROD - Record of Decision (ROD)
-Details selected remedy for source areas
OU-2 Feasibility Study
Draft report to be submitted by Ciba to EPA in May 1999
-Provides and evaluates remedial alternatives for addressing the source areas
Goals of remedial alternatives:
-Facilitate the groundwater cleanup
-Address risks associated with direct contact of surface soils in source areas
Public Participation in Decision-Making Process
Characterization of Contamination in Source Areas
-Focus on Stacked Drum Area in Drum Disposal Area
Remedial Technologies Applicable to Stacked Drum Area
Public Participation
(Prior to Release of FS Report)
March 1999: Detailed presentation on stabilization and thermal treatment technologies
April 1999: Detailed presentation on biological treatment, landfilling and other technologies to be considered
April 1999: Opportunity to tour the Ciba Facility
May 1999: Ciba submits draft FS Report
Public Participation
(After Release of FS Report)
Public meeting after release of draft FS Report
- Solicit public comment on draft FS Report
Incorporate comments and release final FS Report
Public meeting(s) to discuss EPA's preferred remedy for the source areas and obtain feedback from community
EPA releases Proposed Remedial Action Plan (PRAP)
-Details preferred remedy for the source areas
Formal pubblic comment period to provide input on EPA's preferred remedy
-Comments received on PRAP will be included in the Responsiveness Summary of the Record of Decision (ROD)
EPA issues ROD detailing selected remedy for the source areas