
Jill Kovacs
The Kovacs Story
The Results
The next afternoon, Tuesday, the doctor called to talk with me about Jill's results. He said that Jill was extremely anemic and that he wanted her tested immediately. He gave me the name of a hematologist and said to make an appointment the next day.
If I could not get the appointment I was to call his office and they would see to it that I had an appointment. My alarm grew. I did what any mother would do, I took out one of those medical encyclopedia's and looked up anemia. My daughter did not fit
the normal profile of one who suddenly becomes anemic. The bottom of the article suggested leukemia as a source of anemia, and went on to explain about bone marrow tests, what they are and how they are used to determine leukemia. I knew, then and there,
that this disease had some how gotten hold of my daughter. I never slept a wink that night, and woke up to the most awful feeling of dread I've ever felt. To make matters worse, if that could truly happen, the morning brought me to Wednesday.
My most hated and feared day of the week. It was Jill's last day of nursery school, and she had to spend it in the DR's office receiving needles. The doctor examined her, pondered, and left the room to see the results of the blood he had drawn.
When he walked back into the room he told me he didn't like what he saw and wanted to do a bone marrow test. With those words, on that day, at 12:53 in the afternoon, June 14th, 1989; I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt, that my beautiful 4 yr. old daughter had cancer, and may die.