
Jill Kovacs
The Kovacs Story
The Beginning
My daughter, Jill Denise Kovacs, was born August 22, 1984, after 2 hours of labor, on a Wednesday, at 2:15 in the morning. At that time the most upsetting thing to me, was that Jill was born on a Wednesday,
the one-day of the week that I did not want her born on. I, also, was born on a Wednesday. I am superstitious, and there is a poem about the days of the week that children are born on. All are just basic statements
that can be taken in a positive light, except Wednesdays. Wednesday's child is "full of woe." This was upsetting to me as I had a negative upbringing, one that was full of abuse, the details being painful and unnecessary.
I truly believed, and still believe today, in superstitions. But on this day, I put my superstitions aside and just rejoiced in this beautiful, huge, 9 lbs 5 oz baby girl that I now held in my arms.