
Reich Farm Health Assessment (Dover Township) Toms River, New Jersey
Table 2 - Maximum concentrations of selected chemicals found in on-site soils and groundwater monitoring wells, from sample:, taken in 1986 and 1987, at the Reich Farm site.
Compound |
Subsurface Soils (µg/kg) |
Surface Soils (µg/kg) |
Monitoring Wells (µg/l) |
Acetone |
12,000 |
17 |
190 |
2-Butanone |
31,000 |
11 |
320 |
1,1-Dichloroethane |
ND |
ND |
8 |
1,2-Dichloroethane |
ND |
ND |
5 |
Tetrachloroethylene |
13,900 |
22 |
19 |
Carbon tetrachloride |
ND |
ND |
16 |
1,1,1-Trichloroethane |
118 J |
7 |
130 |
Trichloroethylene |
1 |
ND |
15 |
1,2-Dichloroethylenes |
ND |
1 |
7 |
Toluene |
53,000 |
99 |
3 J |
Ethylbenzene |
9,300 |
59 |
ND |
Styrene |
170,000 |
ND |
ND |
Xylenes |
3,600 |
180 |
ND |
Chlorobenzene |
36,100 |
100 |
1 J |
1,2-Dichlorobenzene |
9,500 |
ND |
ND |
1,3-Dichlorobenzene |
15,000 J |
ND |
ND |
1,4-Dichlorobenzene |
64,000 |
ND |
ND |
1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene |
6,600 J |
ND |
ND |
Phenol |
6,700 |
ND |
4 J |
2-Chlorophenol |
340 J |
ND |
ND |
Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate * |
160,000 |
5,700 |
2,200 |
Di-n-octylphthalate * |
67-1,900 |
570 |
4 |
N-Nitrosodiphenylamine |
83 |
ND |
6 |
Sources: NUS, 1986; Ebasco, 1988c.
J: Estimated
ND: Not detected
* Other phthalates and several polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons were also detected in soil samples.