
Public Meeting U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Ciba-Geigy Site Toms River, New Jersey
The following information was supplied at the March 23, 1999 Meeting on the Ciba-Geigy Superfund Site.
The full reports are available to the public at the Ocean County Library and through the Ocean County Planning Department, in Toms River, NJ.
Groundwater Contamination
Purpose Of Meeting
To address questions and concerns raised by the community regarding the Ciba contaminant plume
-Information on extent of plume
-Groundwater cleanup remedy
Groundwater Contamination
What is the extent of the plume?
What is the impact of the plume on the following areas:
-Parkway Well Field and Well 20
-Oak Ridge Area
-Pine Lake Park
What is being done to clean up the plume?
Extent of Groundwater Contamination
Analytical Testing
Site Hydrology and Groundwater Flow Modeling
Groundwater Extraction Treatment and Recharge System (GERS)