
Public Meeting U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Ciba-Geigy Site Toms River, New Jersey
Off -site Technologies
Incineration and Landfilling
200,000 cubic yards of material could be removed for treatment/disposal
- - Volume based on preliminary modeling results (impact to groundwater)
- - Up to 100,000 cubic yards could potentially require incineration
Relevant source areas:
- - Filtercake Disposal Area/Trench Disposal Area
- - Drum Disposal Area
- - Backfilled Lagoon Area
Off Site Incineration
Incineration is an ex-situ technology that uses high heat ( 15000F to 20000F ) to destroy contaminants in soils or other media
Technology is applicable to all organic contaminants
Not effective for removing most metals
Effective for highly concentrated organic waste
Organic removal efficiency from contaminated material greater than 99%
Commnercial Facilities
Typical wastestreams
- - Solvents
- - Solid bulk chemicals
- - Other contaminated media
Typical unit downtime of 20%
Operating capacity of 40 to 60 tons per hour
Shipment of material is limited by unit availability
- - Unit must maintain consistent wastestream
- - Commercial facilities not set up to handle one time large volumes of soils
Off Site Incineration
Proven technology applicable for all organic compounds
Issues with commercial facilities
- Capacity limitations
- Accept 2 to 15 trucks per day
- Not designed for large one-time projects
- Schedule uncertainties
- Material suitability
- Transportation
- Rail or truck transport required
Off-Site Landfilling
Landdfills are designed to prevent movement of contaminants into groundwater
They are constructed and managed for the disposal of either hazardous or nonhazardous material
Classes of Landfills
- Subtitle C (RCR-A hazardous material)
- Subtitle D (nonhazardous material)
Technology applicable to both organics and inorganics
Waste classification dictates whether material is disposed of in hazardous or nonhazardous landfill
- Nonhazardous material goes directly to landfill
RCRA hazardous material from the Ciba Site would require treatment prior to disposal
After treatment material will be suitable for nonhazardous landfill
Technology applicable to organics and inorganics
Commercial facilities are readily available with large capacity
Truck transport required
Transportation Issues
Requires that the material be transported by rail or truck to the off site commercial incineration facility, or landfill
Rail transport requires transfer from rail to truck
Incineration and Landfilling
200,000 cubic yards of material could be removed for treatment/disposal
- - Volume based on preliminary modeling results(impact to groundwater)
Up to 100,000 cubic yards could potentially require incineration
- Based on testing to determine waste classification
Transport by truck
Estimate 24,000 truckloads to transport 200,000 cubic yards of contaminated material to off-site incinerator/landfill and return with 200,000 cubic yards of clean fill
- - Shipped in 17 cubic yard dump truck (30 ton total weight)
- - Estimate average 8 to 60 trucks per day, 5 days per week (40 to 300 trucks total per week)
Projected timeframe is controlled by incinerator capacity
- - Approximately 2 to 12 years to transport and incinerate 100,000 cubic yards of material
- Off-site transport of material can result in transportation risks
- Greater than 100% probability of accident occurring
- Probability of transportation accidents based on:
- - Amount of material to be treated
- - Number of trucks required
- - Total miles traveled
- - DOT truck industry accident rate data