
Public Meeting
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Ciba-Geigy Site
Toms River, New Jersey
The Following is information supplied by the EPA at the April Meeting on the Ciba-Geigy Superfund Site.
Ex-Situ Bioremediation Composting Study
Process Description:
Moisture, nutrients and bulking agent are mixed with the contaminated soils or waste
Air is passed through the compost mixture to promote aerobic degradation
Composting Bench Scale Study
Identify contaminated material soils, sludges and waste suitable for biological composting
Determine biodegradation potential of both target and non-target compounds
Determine extent of biodegradation vs. volatilization
Treatment Design
Compost mixture prepared by mixing contaminated material with bulking agent (straw), nutrients, water and bio-solids
Composting conducted in 30-gallon poly drums; about 200 lbs. of compost mixture placed in each unit
Air, oxygen or nitrogen were pulsed into the compost units to promote or limit aerobic biodegradation
Nine compost units were used to study biodegradation
Source Areas Evaluated
Equalization Basins (Soil)
Drum Disposal Area (Soils)
Drum Content Samples (Resin Filtercake)
Filtercake Disposal Area (Sludge)
Backfilled Lagoon Area (Sludge)
Contaminated material from pertinent source areas is suitable for composting
In general, composting of contaminated material reduced the concentration of target compounds to 25 to 30 ppm
The three surrogate non-target compounds were degraded; two of them biologically and one abiotically
Pilot Study proposed as next step
Applicability of Bioremediation to Specific Source Areas
In-Situ Treatment:
Equalization Basins
Building 108/Underground Storage Tank (UST) Area
South Dye Area
Ex-Situ Treatment
Equalization Basins
Filtercake Disposal Area
Backfilled Lagoon Area
Drum Contents