
Jill Kovacs
The Kovacs Story
Present Day
Today, we simply join the ranks of so many that were put through this ordeal. We silently take our place among the shadows, offering silent, unwavering love and support to those who still go
through this ordeal today. We have become survivors of a horrible holocaust of our own. We stand united in our wish to see this chapter of our lives put behind us; but sadly accept that this can never be.
So long as people are allowed to be careless with our environment; this disease will continue to affect the lives who are the most innocent.
..........and finally, this is our christmas picture taken this year. Jill is 15 now; she plays a mean game of soccer for the high school team; she works part time at
Mcdonald's. Her hair is medium length, but she prefers to wear it in a ponytail. She is once again, a strong, healthy, happy
child,...............on the outside. She is still extremely shy, and doesn't like to talk about her earlier experience with cancer in her life. She would
like to be an organ donar, and be able to donate blood; and it bothers her that her body is considered unacceptable for both of those. I have been told Jill has a greater chance of dying in a bicycle or car accident than she
does of having a relapse of cancer. I will say this, you never believe the doctors......
I hope that this story, however weak that it might be, may shed some light on feelings that not only I; but those who's lives were touched by this disease, feel.
You yourselves, cannot understand, it is truly a walk that must be undertaken to understand. But I have tried to do the best that I can.