
Michael Anderson
Community Support
We did our best to keep his spirits up by trying to give him as normal a home life as possible. He, along with his family were accepted by the Make-a-Wish Foundation to go on his dream trip, which turned out to be Disney World and all the amusement parks in Orlando, FL.
"Give Kids the World" provided a home away from home for us at their beautiful fairy tale "Kids Village" in Kissimmee, FL. It was an unforgettable trip of dreams.
"Ocean of Love" a support group for families of children with cancer in Toms River also helped our spirits. They organized trips and parties and get-togethers for the whole group, not to mention counseling to those in need and support groups. Gifts arrived for all the siblings at Christmas and Easter and a special birthday gift for the patient.
Through my husbands job a group called Helping Hands mobilized and deluged Michael with cards and presents during his initial hospital stay. He couldn't wait to see what each day brought. It definitely helped him to tolerate being pricked and poked and forced to take horrible tasting medicine and undergo painful procedures.
Several members of the Philadelphia Eagles came up to see the children while Mike was in Children's Hospital. Even Willie Mays stopped in to offer his support with kind words and autographed baseballs one day while Mike was in the Oncology Clinic. What a lift it gave to the kids when someone took the time to lighten the children's spirits.
Michael taught me a lot about courage and keeping a sense of humor. He rarely lost his. He held me up as I held him.
Bruce and I grew stronger together as a result of this ordeal. We were reminded that what is really important in life is being there for each other as a family, sometimes, barely hanging on by our fingernails but clinging to the belief that where there is life there is hope.
Michael is currently being treated for side effects from his chemo treatments.
Michael is attending college.
Melanie Anderson