
Water Health Assessment (Dover Township) Toms River, New Jersey
Results and Discussion
Draft for Public Comment -- November 16, 1999
Results and Discussion
The following is a summary and evaluation of the results of chemical and radiological analyses of drinking water samples collected from the distribution system, points of entry, and wells of UWTR in the period March 1996 through June 1999. All results have been presented to Dover Township residents in a series of
monthly public meetings sponsored by the CACCCC. These data are contained in a comprehensive series of data package volumes including sample chain-of-custody documentation, analytical results, and quality assurance information (NJDHSS, 1996-1999), which are available for public inspection at the NJDHSS in Trenton,
the Ocean County Health Department, and the Ocean County Public Library. As of November 1999, all 142 volumes containing UWTR sample data through the end of June 1999 have been released. Table 5 is an index describing the contents of each volume.