
Table 1: Case-control Stidy of Childhood Cancers in Dover Township: Highlights of Interview and Birth Records Study Findings for Enviromental Exposure Factors
Exposure Factor |
Highlight |
Parkway Well Water, Time-Specific |
Interview Study:
-No association seen in the overall leukemia or brain and central nervous system cancer groupings.
-For females age 0-19, elevated odds ratio for the high exposure category during the prenatal period and leukemia (OR=5.0).
-When tap water consumption was incorporated, the prenatal exposure odds ratio for the high exposure category was statistically elevated for females with leukemia (OR=6.0).
-No association seen for females during the postnatal exposure period.
-No association seen for prenatal or postnatal exposures in males.
Birth Records Study:
-No association seen in the overall leukemia or brain and central nervous system cancer groupings or any of the subgroups evaluated. |
Holly Street Well Field Water, Time-specific |
-No association seen in the overall leukemia or brain and central nervous system cancer groupings or any of the subgroups evaluated in either the Interview or Birth Records Studies. |
Other Public Water Supply Well Fields |
-No association seen in the overall leukemia or brain and central nervous system cancer groupings or any of the subgroupings evaluated in either the Interview or Birth Records Study. |
Private Wells in Groundwater Regions with History of Contamination |
Interview Study:
-Few study children ever lived in a residence with a private well in any of the groundwater regions.
-No association seen in the overall leukemia or brain and central nervous system cancer groupings.
-Postnatal exposure for males and females conbined was elevated for leukemia (OR=5.4).
-Prenatal exposure odds ratio could not be calculated for leukemia; 2 cases and no contrls were exposed
Birth Records Study:
-Only two study children had a birth residence in any of the groundwater regions.
-No association seen in the overall leukemia or brain and central nervous system cancer groupings. |
Ciba-Geigy Ambient Air Pollution |
Interview Study:
-No association seen in the overall leukemia or brain and central nervous system cancer groupings.
-For females with leukemia, age 0-4, prenatal exposure displayed elevated odds ratios for the medium exposure category (OR=5.2) and the high exposure category (OR=19).
-The high exposure category odds ratio for females, age 0-4, during the postnatal period was elevated for leukemia (OR=5.5).
-No association seen for the prenatal or postnatal exposures in males.
Birth Records Study:
-No association seen in the overall leukemia or brain and central nervous system cancer groupings.
-For females with leukemia, age 0-4, the prenatal odds ratio was elevated for the high exposure category (OR=7.8). |
Oyster Creek Ambient Air Pollution |
-No association seen in the overall leukemia or brain and central nervous system cancer groupings in either the Interview Or Birth Records Studies.
-All of the exposure estimates for Oyster Creek were extremely low, with a lifetime cancer risk on the order of about one in a billion. |
Residential Proximity to the Ciba-Geigy Pipeline |
Interview Study:
-An association seen for proximity to Ciba-Geigy pipeline and leukemia, both sexes combined and females separately, during prenatal and postnatal periods (odds ratios ranging from 2.3 to 14).
-Association with leukemia diminished when proximity to documented Ciba-Geigy pipeline breaks was evaluated separately.
-No completed exposure pathways associated with the Ciba-Geigy pipeline were identified during the Ciba-Geigy Public Health Assessment.
Birth Records Study:
-No association seen in the overall leukemia or brain and central nervous system cancer groupings.
-For females with leukemia, age 0-4, the prenatal odds ratio was elevated for the high exposure category |
Residential Proximity to Other Sites of Concern |
-No association seen in the overall leukemia or brain and central nervous system cancer groupings or any of the subgroups evaluated in either the Interview Or Birth Records Studies. |
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