Order amid Chaos

Table 1: Case-control Stidy of Childhood Cancers in Dover Township: Highlights of Interview and Birth Records Study Findings for Enviromental Exposure Factors

Exposure Factor


Parkway Well Water,

Interview Study:

-No association seen in the overall leukemia or brain and central nervous system cancer groupings.

-For females age 0-19, elevated odds ratio for the high exposure category during the prenatal period and leukemia (OR=5.0).

-When tap water consumption was incorporated, the prenatal exposure odds ratio for the high exposure category was statistically elevated for females with leukemia (OR=6.0).

-No association seen for females during the postnatal exposure period.

-No association seen for prenatal or postnatal exposures in males.

Birth Records Study:

-No association seen in the overall leukemia or brain and central nervous system cancer groupings or any of the subgroups evaluated.

Holly Street Well Field Water,

-No association seen in the overall leukemia or brain and central nervous system cancer groupings or any of the subgroups evaluated in either the Interview or Birth Records Studies.

Other Public Water Supply Well Fields

-No association seen in the overall leukemia or brain and central nervous system cancer groupings or any of the subgroupings evaluated in either the Interview or Birth Records Study.

Private Wells in Groundwater Regions with History of Contamination

Interview Study:

-Few study children ever lived in a residence with a private well in any of the groundwater regions.

-No association seen in the overall leukemia or brain and central nervous system cancer groupings.

-Postnatal exposure for males and females conbined was elevated for leukemia (OR=5.4).

-Prenatal exposure odds ratio could not be calculated for leukemia; 2 cases and no contrls were exposed

Birth Records Study:

-Only two study children had a birth residence in any of the groundwater regions.

-No association seen in the overall leukemia or brain and central nervous system cancer groupings.

Ciba-Geigy Ambient Air Pollution

Interview Study:

-No association seen in the overall leukemia or brain and central nervous system cancer groupings.

-For females with leukemia, age 0-4, prenatal exposure displayed elevated odds ratios for the medium exposure category (OR=5.2) and the high exposure category (OR=19).

-The high exposure category odds ratio for females, age 0-4, during the postnatal period was elevated for leukemia (OR=5.5).

-No association seen for the prenatal or postnatal exposures in males.

Birth Records Study:

-No association seen in the overall leukemia or brain and central nervous system cancer groupings.

-For females with leukemia, age 0-4, the prenatal odds ratio was elevated for the high exposure category (OR=7.8).

Oyster Creek Ambient Air Pollution

-No association seen in the overall leukemia or brain and central nervous system cancer groupings in either the Interview Or Birth Records Studies.

-All of the exposure estimates for Oyster Creek were extremely low, with a lifetime cancer risk on the order of about one in a billion.

Residential Proximity to the Ciba-Geigy Pipeline

Interview Study:

-An association seen for proximity to Ciba-Geigy pipeline and leukemia, both sexes combined and females separately, during prenatal and postnatal periods (odds ratios ranging from 2.3 to 14).

-Association with leukemia diminished when proximity to documented Ciba-Geigy pipeline breaks was evaluated separately.

-No completed exposure pathways associated with the Ciba-Geigy pipeline were identified during the Ciba-Geigy Public Health Assessment.

Birth Records Study:

-No association seen in the overall leukemia or brain and central nervous system cancer groupings.

-For females with leukemia, age 0-4, the prenatal odds ratio was elevated for the high exposure category

Residential Proximity to Other Sites of Concern

-No association seen in the overall leukemia or brain and central nervous system cancer groupings or any of the subgroups evaluated in either the Interview Or Birth Records Studies.