
Outrage of the Day: Bennett helps Dover, his law firm
An Asbury Park Press editorial
Published in the Asbury Park Press
It's enough to make you choke on your eggs. In a brazen act of greedy self- interest, state Sen. John O. Bennett III used his temporary power as acting governor to circumvent the state's Green Acres land selection process and, on that same day, enrich his law firm.
In early 2002, Bennett signed into law a bill that would greatly benefit Dover Township by authorizing $15 million toward buying up to 750 unspoiled acres of the Ciba-Geigy Superfund site. In doing so, he tapped the Green Acres trust fund, but avoided the usual land}selection process. Incredibly, the land was not even appraised.
That same day, perhaps while the ink was still wet on the law, Bennett signed a contract with Dover Township for his law firm to serve as its bond counsel, a potentially lucrative plum that eventually netted the firm $11,523.
The McGreevey administration subsequently refused to release the $15 million.
It's time for voters to stand up and say, "I'm fed up, and I'm not going to take it anymore."
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Published in the Asbury Park Press 9/28/03