
Water report, updates on chemical, families due tonight
Published in the Asbury Park Press
TOMS RIVER -- A draft report on tentatively identified compounds, or "tics," found in drinking water here will be presented at tonight's meeting of the Citizens Action Committee on Childhood Cancer Cluster, committee Chairwoman Linda L. Gillick said.
The meeting will be held at 7 p.m. in the Dover Township municipal building, 33 Washington St.
Gerald P. Nicholls, director of the state Department of Environmental Protection's Division of Environmental Safety, Health and Analytical Programs, will present the draft report of a committee that has been studying tics in the water supply, she said. The tics, which are compounds researchers could not immediately identify, were discovered during extensive testing of Dover's water system.
Tonight's meeting will include an update on toxicity studies being conducted on styrene acrylonitrile trimer, a chemical compound related to plastics production that has been discovered in three United Water Toms River wells, she said.
No previous toxicity studies have been done on the trimer.
Also, an update will likely be given on the epidemiological study of families whose children contracted cancer which compares them to families whose children did not contract the disease, she said. The final epidemiological report is due in June 2001.
Written comments on the recently released public health assessment on the former Ciba-Geigy Corp. Superfund site are due by April 28, she said. Comments should be sent to: Health Assessment Project Manager, Consumer and Environmental Health Services, New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services, Box 360, Trenton, NJ 08625-0360.
Published: April 10, 2000