
Reich Farm Health Assessment (Dover Township) Toms River, New Jersey
Cease/Reduce Exposure Recommendations
Reich Farm
The ATSDR and the NJDHSS recommend routine sampling of all shallow Cohansey Aquifer wells of the Parkway well field at an appropriate interval to ensure the groundwater plume remains delineated,
controlled, and does not impact the currently unaffected public supply wells. Monitoring (at appropriate intervals) of the effectiveness of treatment systems now in place is necessary to ensure
that RF site-related contaminants are not introduced into the community water distribution system.
The groundwater plume associated with the RF site is of public health concern, and merits continuation of the well restriction zone (with respect to the Cohansey aquifer) in the Pleasant Plains area of
Dover Township.
Site Characterization Recommendations
Reich Farm
The ATSDR and the NJDHSS were unable to locate and review the original data reports related to the groundwater investigations in the early 1970s. Information regarding this sampling (such as quality
assurance/quality control, sampling and analytical test methods, and sampling notes) should it exist, could clarify the public health significance of historical data regarding groundwater contamination.
The NJDHSS and the ATSDR should review such information, or any other data relevant to the characterization of past exposure, for public health significance if it becomes available.
Public Health Recommendations
Based upon review of completed human exposure pathways at the RF site, and in conjunction with the concerns of the community regarding the incidence of childhood cancer, consideration of RF-related
exposure pathways in the on-going epidemiologic investigation by the NJDHSS and the ATSDR is warranted. Estimates of exposure to water though this pathway should include the use of private wells and
community water supply wells. To account for the complex dynamics of a community water system, water system models should be employed to trace the flow of water from the Parkway well field to points
in the distribution system.
The ATSDR and NJDHSS recommend that toxicity testing of the SAN trimer continue to be pursued, particularly for its potential to be carcinogenic.