
Public Meeting U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Ciba-Geigy Site Toms River, New Jersey
The following information was supplied at the April 29, 1999 Meeting on the Ciba-Geigy Superfund Site.
The full reports are available to the public at the Ocean County Library and through the Ocean County Planning Department, in Toms River, NJ.
Community Involvement
Stage 1: Present Technologies
Present information on potential technologies
- Technology applicability, effectiveness, implementability
- Technology limitations
- Review other sites where technology used
Community understanding of mechanics of technologies
Solicit comments and address all questions
Stage 2: Present Alternatives
Present information on potential site-wide alternatives
- Each alternative will consist of several
technologies for addressing site contamination
- Key factors to be presented
Effectiveness, implementation, cost
Community feedback on alternatives
Finalize Feasibility Study Report
Stage 3: Determine Remedy
Release of Proposed Remedial Action Plan (PRAP)
which details EPA's preferred remedy
Community feedback on preferred remedy
Release of Record of Decision (ROD detailing EPA's selected
remedy for the source areas)
Public Participation
Stage 1: Present Technologies
A series of public meetings will be held on the following topics:
- Thermal treatment technology (March)
- Bioremediation technology (April)
- Other potential technologies to be considered (May 25th)
Off-Site Incineration, Stabilization, Landfilling
- Address comments on potential technologies previously presented
Other technologies considered
Presentation of bioremediation, one of the remedial technologies to be considered in the Feasibility Study
- - Overview of Bioremediation Technologies (Dr. Jerome Kukor)
- - Ciba Bioremediation Studies (Dr. David Williams)
- Pilot Cell Study
- Composting Study
Remedial Technologies Bioremediation
Bioremediation is a biological treatment process which uses naturally
occurring microorganisms to break down contaminants
Bioremediation is an on-site remedial technology
It can be performed in-situ or ex-situ
- In-situ bioremediation treats the contaminated material in-place
- Ex-situ bioremediation requires removal of the contaminated material
prior to treatment