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A Civil Action
In Woburn, people claiming that the drinking water was causing
childhood cancer were initially dismissed as cranks. The
corporate polluters used their vast resources to stonewall and
obscure the truth. Many others in the community thought that
the cancer stricken families were simply tearing the community
down and hurting property values with their complaints.
Ultimately, years after litigation was completed, government
sponsored studies confirmed the contaminated drinking water was
a major cause of childhood cancer in Woburn. Be amazed by the
similarities between this story and our own in Toms River.
large print
audio cassette
This detailed, thorough examination covers the complex scientific
and legal issues surrounding water pollution as it affects lakes,
rivers, wetlands, and oceans. Specific pollution events and
accounts of the legal and political policy fallout from
large-scale, well-publicized polluting are for the most part
portrayed with a balanced point of view. Bib., ind. --
This Review Copyright © 1998
The Horn Book, Inc. All rights reserved.

Our Poisoned Waters

The Sierra Club Guide to Safe Drinking Water
An eye-opening look at the contamination of America's drinking
water argues that current regulations governing safe water
delivery are woefully inadequate. Readers learn
how to find out if their water is safe, how to evaluate
purification systems, and the merits of bottled water. Featuring
ratings of 200 municipal water systems, this book is essential
reading for all who care about the water they drink. Includes
16 tables.
-- Synopsis
The essential Guide to Our Contaminated Drinking Water and What
You Can Do About It. This is a very thorough book about current
water filtration methods. If you ever plan on buying a water
filter of any kind -- this is the book to read.

Don't Drink The Water

The Poisoned Well: New Strategies for Groundwater Protection
Produced under the auspices of the Sierra Club Legal Defense
Fund, this volume provides basic information on groundwater
contamination, its effects, and related federal regulations.
More important, it addresses strategies for citizen action,
explaining state and federal programs, and offering instruction
on the development of successful legal strategies to protect
citizen interests.
-- Annotation copyright Book News, Inc. Portland, Or.
Looking for more titles on groundwater contamination? Just
hit "search" for a listing from Amazon.com.

Surviving Childhood Cancer : A Guide for Families
Intended for children with cancer and their family and friends,
this informative, sensitive guide describes the illness, its
treatment, and how it changes the lives of the child and
everybody involved with the child. A glossary of relevant terms
is provided and a resource section lists supportive organizations.
-- Annotation copyright Book News, Inc. Portland, Or.
Reports on self-help groups of parents of children with cancer,
from a series of studies conducted over 15 years. Of interest to
such parents, professionals in health care and social services,
social scientists studying either the target population or self-
help groups in general, policymakers wondering how public and
private resources can assist the effort, and friends who want to
understand and support the parents. Includes suggestions on how
to start a group.
-- Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.

Cancer and Self-Help : Bridging the Troubled Waters of Childhood Illness

Childhood Leukemia
This most complete parent guide available covers not only
detailed and precise medical information about leukemia and the
various treatment options, but also day-to-day practical advice
on how to cope with procedures, hospitalization, family and
friends, school, social and financial issues, communication,
feelings and, if therapy is not successful, the difficult issues
of death and bereavement. Woven among the medical details and
the practical advice are the voices of parents and children who
have lived with leukemia and its treatments. Our hope is that
parents who read this book will encounter medical facts simply
explained, will find advice that eases their daily life, and
will feel empowered to be a strong advocate for their child.
-- O'Reilly and Associates
Looking for more titles on childhood cancer? Just
hit "search" for a listing from Amazon.com.

Best Hikes With Children in New Jersey
These 75 hikes will delight children - and big people, too.
If you enjoy exploring the outdoors, the 75 hikes in this book will
delight you whether you're single, married, or a family. From the
northern highlands to the beaches and pine barrens in the south, this
book will guidey ttebs of the Garden State. Hike the Kittatinny Mns.for
unbeatable vistas; scamper over huge boulders while overlooking the
Hudson River; discover birds, reptiles, and mammals; and much more. The
majority of hikes can be done in a day; some can be turned into
overnight camping trips. Detailed descriptions of trails include a
quick-reference heading with information on distance (from 1 to 8 miles
round-trip), difficulty (from easy to more challenging), elevation gain,
and best time to go, making it easy to match hikes to skill and energy
levels. My book includes useful tips on hiking with kids, safety, and
encouraging envirronmental awareness. I guarantee you'll love my book
and will look forward to the next hike!
-- Arline Zatz, author
A Bicycling Guide to the New Jersey Shore, Pine Barrens and Delaware
Bay Region

Coasting Along
Looking for more titles about New Jersey? Just
hit "search" for a listing from Amazon.com.
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or if you have any other comments or suggestions about this bookstore,
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var at = String.fromCharCode(64);
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